Youth Music AI

UK-based charity Youth Music has been asking young people what they think of creative AI technologies. Among its findings: 63% of them are “embracing” this to help their creativity, including music-making.

The study found that this percentage decreases for each older generation, bottoming out at 19% for over-55s.

There aren’t that many stats in Youth Music’s writeup of the study, as it focuses more on qualitative data: opinions from the people surveyed about how they’re using AI now and what they think its impact will be in the future.

“Whilst the emergence of AI is revolutionising popular culture, established artists and executives have rightly expressed concerns regarding Its long-term impact on the music industries,” said Youth Music’s CEO Matt Griffiths.

“There are still important questions to be addressed around the monetising of AI and the ownership of content, for example. However, what we’re hearing right now from the next generation of creatives Is excitement around its potential to equalise access to making, learning and earning in music.”

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